Clients for working with the Forge Data Management service.
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Clients for working with the Forge Data Management service.
from enum import Enum
from urllib.parse import quote
from .auth import BaseOAuthClient, Scope, TokenProviderInterface
class DataRetention(Enum):
Data retention policies.
TRANSIENT = "transient"
Think of this type of storage as a cache. Use it for ephemeral results. For example,
you might use this for objects that are part of producing other persistent artifacts,
but otherwise are not required to be available later.
Objects older than 24 hours are removed automatically. Each upload of an object
is considered unique, so, for example, if the same rendering is uploaded multiple times,
each of them will have its own retention period of 24 hours.
TEMPORARY = "temporary"
This type of storage is suitable for artifacts produced for user-uploaded content
where after some period of activity, the user may rarely access the artifacts.
When an object has reached 30 days of age, it is deleted.
PERSISTENT = "persistent"
Persistent storage is intended for user data. When a file is uploaded,
the owner should expect this item to be available for as long as the owner account is active,
or until he or she deletes the item.
class OSSClient(BaseOAuthClient):
Forge Data Management object storage client.
def __init__(self, token_provider: TokenProviderInterface(), base_url: str=OSS_BASE_URL):
Create new instance of the client.
token_provider (autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface):
Provider that will be used to generate access tokens for API calls.
Use `autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.OAuthTokenProvider` if you have your app's client ID
and client secret available, `autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.SimpleTokenProvider`
if you would like to use an existing access token instead, or even your own
implementation of the `autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface` interface.
base_url (str, optional): Base URL for API calls.
client1 = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET))
client2 = OSSClient(SimpleTokenProvider(FORGE_ACCESS_TOKEN))
class MyTokenProvider(autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface):
def get_token(self, scopes):
return "your own access token retrieved from wherever"
client3 = OSSClient(MyTokenProvider())
BaseOAuthClient.__init__(self, token_provider, base_url)
def _get_paginated(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> list:
items = []
while url:
json = self._get(url, **kwargs).json()
items = items + json["items"]
if "next" in json:
url = json["next"]
url = None
return items
def get_buckets(self, region: str = None, limit: int = None, start_at: str = None) -> dict:
List buckets owned by the application, using pagination.
region (str, optional): Region where the bucket resides.
Acceptable values: US, EMEA. Default: US.
limit (int, optional): Limit to the response size.
Acceptable values: 1-100. Default = 10.
start_at (str, optional): Key to use as an offset to continue pagination.
This is typically the last bucket key found in a preceding `get_buckets` response.
dict: Parsed response object with top-level properties `items` and `next`.
client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET))
buckets = client.get_buckets(limit=8)
params = {}
if region:
params["region"] = region
if limit:
params["limit"] = limit
if start_at:
params["startAt"] = start_at
return self._get("/buckets", scopes=READ_SCOPES, params=params).json()
def get_all_buckets(self, region: str = None) -> list:
List all buckets owned by the application. Similar to `OSSClient.get_buckets`
but returning all results without pagination.
region (str, optional): Region where the bucket resides.
Acceptable values: US, EMEA. Default: US.
list[dict]: List of objects representing individual buckets.
client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET))
buckets = client.get_all_buckets()
params = {}
if region:
params["region"] = region
return self._get_paginated("/buckets", scopes=READ_SCOPES, params=params)
def get_bucket_details(self, bucket_key: str) -> dict:
Get bucket details in JSON format if the caller is the owner of the bucket.
A request by any other application will result in a response of 403 Forbidden.
dict: Parsed response JSON.
client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET))
details = client.get_bucket_details(FORGE_BUCKET)
endpoint = "/buckets/{}/details".format(quote(bucket_key))
return self._get(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES).json()
def create_bucket(
self, bucket_key: str, data_retention_policy: DataRetention, region: str
) -> dict:
Create a bucket. Buckets are arbitrary spaces that are created by applications
and are used to store objects for later retrieval. A bucket is owned by the application
that creates it.
bucket_key (str): A unique name you assign to a bucket. It must be globally unique
across all applications and regions, otherwise the call will fail.
Possible values: -_.a-z0-9 (between 3-128 characters in length).
Note that you cannot change a bucket key.
data_retention_policy (DataRetention): Data retention policy.
region (str): The region where the bucket resides. Acceptable values: US, EMEA.
dict: Parsed response JSON.
client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET))
details = client.create_bucket(FORGE_BUCKET, DataRetention.TEMPORARY, "US")
json = {
"bucketKey": bucket_key,
"policyKey": data_retention_policy.value
headers = {
"x-ads-region": region
return self._post("/buckets", scopes=WRITE_SCOPES, json=json, headers=headers).json()
def delete_bucket(self, bucket_key: str):
Delete a bucket. The bucket must be owned by the application.
bucket_key (str): Name of the bucket to be deleted.
endpoint = "/buckets/{}".format(quote(bucket_key))
self._delete(endpoint, scopes=DELETE_SCOPES)
def get_objects(self, bucket_key: str, **kwargs) -> dict:
List objects in bucket, using pagination. It is only available to the bucket creator.
bucket_key (str): Bucket key for which to get details.
limit (int, optional): Number of objects to return in the result set.
Acceptable values = 1 - 100. Default = 10.
begins_with (str, optional): String to filter the result set by. The result set
is restricted to items whose objectKey begins with the provided string.
start_at (str, optional): Position to start listing the result set.
dict: Parsed response object with top-level properties `items` and `next`.
client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET))
objects = client.get_objects(FORGE_BUCKET, limit=8)
params = {}
if "limit" in kwargs:
params["limit"] = kwargs["limit"]
if "begins_with" in kwargs:
params["beginsWith"] = kwargs["begins_with"]
if "start_at" in kwargs:
params["startAt"] = kwargs["start_at"]
endpoint = "/buckets/{}/objects".format(quote(bucket_key))
return self._get(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES, params=params).json()
def get_all_objects(self, bucket_key: str, begins_with: str = None) -> list:
List all objects in bucket. Similar to `OSSClient.get_objects` but returning
all results without pagination.
begins_with (str, optional): String to filter the result set by. The result set
is restricted to items whose objectKey begins with the provided string.
list[dict]: List of objects.
client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET))
objects = client.get_all_objects(FORGE_BUCKET, begins_with="prefix")
params = {}
if begins_with:
params["beginsWith"] = begins_with
endpoint = "/buckets/{}/objects".format(quote(bucket_key))
return self._get_paginated(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES, params=params)
def get_object_details(self, bucket_key: str, object_key: str) -> dict:
Get object details in JSON format.
bucket_key (str): Bucket key.
object_key (str): Object name to get details for.
dict: Parsed response JSON with object properties.
client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET))
details = client.get_object_details(FORGE_BUCKET, "design.dwg")
endpoint = "/buckets/{}/objects/{}".format(quote(bucket_key), quote(object_key))
return self._get(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES).json()
def upload_object(self, bucket_key: str, object_key: str, buff) -> list:
Upload an object. If the specified object name already exists in the bucket,
the uploaded content will overwrite the existing content for the bucket name/object
name combination.
bucket_key (str): Bucket key.
object_key (str): Name of the object to be created.
buff (list of bytes or file): Content to upload.
dict: Parsed response JSON with object properties.
client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET))
buff = bytes("This is a test...", "utf-8")
obj1 = client.upload_object(FORGE_BUCKET, "myfile.txt", buff)
with open("local.dwg", "rb") as file:
obj2 = client.upload_object(FORGE_BUCKET, "mydesign.dwg", file)
endpoint = "/buckets/{}/objects/{}".format(quote(bucket_key), quote(object_key))
return self._put(endpoint, buff=buff, scopes=WRITE_SCOPES).json()
def delete_object(self, bucket_key: str, object_key: str):
Delete an object from bucket.
bucket_key (str): Bucket key.
object_key (str): Name of the object to be removed.
endpoint = "/buckets/{}/objects/{}".format(quote(bucket_key), quote(object_key))
self._delete(endpoint, scopes=DELETE_SCOPES)
class DataManagementClient(BaseOAuthClient):
Forge Data Management data management client.
def __init__(
self, token_provider: TokenProviderInterface, base_url: str=DATA_MANAGEMENT_BASE_URL):
Create new instance of the client.
token_provider (autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface):
Provider that will be used to generate access tokens for API calls.
Use `autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.OAuthTokenProvider` if you have your app's client ID
and client secret available, `autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.SimpleTokenProvider`
if you would like to use an existing access token instead, or even your own
implementation of the `autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface` interface.
Note that many APIs in the Forge Data Management service require
a three-legged OAuth token.
base_url (str, optional): Base URL for API calls.
client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN))
BaseOAuthClient.__init__(self, token_provider, base_url)
def _get_paginated(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> list:
json = self._get(url, **kwargs).json()
results = json["data"]
while "links" in json and "next" in json["links"]:
url = json["links"]["next"]["href"]
json = self._get(url, **kwargs).json()
results = results + json["data"]
return results
def get_hubs(self, filter_id: str=None, filter_name: str=None) -> dict:
Return a collection of accessible hubs for this member.
Hubs represent BIM 360 Team hubs, Fusion Team hubs (formerly known as A360 Team hubs),
A360 Personal hubs, or BIM 360 Docs accounts. Team hubs include BIM 360 Team hubs
and Fusion Team hubs (formerly known as A360 Team hubs). Personal hubs include
A360 Personal hubs. Only active hubs are listed.
Note that for BIM 360 Docs, a hub ID corresponds to an account ID in the BIM 360 API.
To convert an account ID into a hub ID you need to add a “b.” prefix. For example,
an account ID of c8b0c73d-3ae9 translates to a hub ID of b.c8b0c73d-3ae9.
filter_id (str, optional): ID to filter the results by.
filter_name (str, optional): Name to filter the results by.
dict: Parsed response JSON.
client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN))
response = client.get_hubs()
headers = { "Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json" }
params = {}
if filter_id:
params["filter[id]"] = filter_id
if filter_name:
params["filter[name]"] = filter_name
return self._get("/hubs", scopes=READ_SCOPES, headers=headers, params=params).json()
def get_all_hubs(self, filter_id: str=None, filter_name: str=None) -> dict:
Similar to `get_hubs`, but retrieving all hubs without pagination.
filter_id (str, optional): ID to filter the results by.
filter_name (str, optional): Name to filter the results by.
list(dict): List of hubs parsed from the response JSON.
client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN))
hubs = client.get_all_hubs()
headers = { "Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json" }
params = {}
if filter_id:
params["filter[id]"] = filter_id
if filter_name:
params["filter[name]"] = filter_name
return self._get_paginated("/hubs", scopes=READ_SCOPES, headers=headers, params=params)
def get_projects(
self, hub_id: str, filter_id: str=None, page_number: int=None, page_limit=None) -> dict:
Return a collection of projects for a given hub_id. A project represents a BIM 360
Team project, a Fusion Team project, a BIM 360 Docs project, or an A360 Personal project.
Multiple projects can be created within a single hub. Only active projects are listed.
Note that for BIM 360 Docs, a hub ID corresponds to an account ID in the BIM 360 API.
To convert an account ID into a hub ID you need to add a “b.” prefix. For example,
an account ID of c8b0c73d-3ae9 translates to a hub ID of b.c8b0c73d-3ae9.
Similarly, for BIM 360 Docs, the project ID in the Data Management API corresponds
to the project ID in the BIM 360 API. To convert a project ID in the BIM 360 API
into a project ID in the Data Management API you need to add a “b.” prefix. For example,
a project ID of c8b0c73d-3ae9 translates to a project ID of b.c8b0c73d-3ae9.
hub_id (str): ID of a hub to list the projects for.
filter_id (str, optional): ID to filter projects by.
page_number (int, optional): Specifies what page to return.
Page numbers are 0-based (the first page is page 0).
page_limit (int, optional): Specifies the maximum number of elements
to return in the page. The default value is 200. The min value is 1.
The max value is 200.
dict: Parsed response JSON.
client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN))
response = client.get_projects("some-hub-id")
headers = { "Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json" }
params = {}
if filter_id:
params["filter[id]"] = filter_id
if page_number:
params["page[number]"] = page_number
if page_limit:
params["page[limit]"] = page_limit
endpoint = "/hubs/{}/projects".format(hub_id)
return self._get(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES, headers=headers, params=params).json()
def get_all_projects(self, hub_id: str, filter_id: str=None) -> dict:
Similar to `get_projects`, but retrieving all projects without pagination.
hub_id (str): ID of a hub to list the projects for.
list(dict): List of projects parsed from the response JSON.
client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN))
projects = client.get_all_projects("some-hub-id")
headers = { "Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json" }
params = {}
if filter_id:
params["filter[id]"] = filter_id
endpoint = "/hubs/{}/projects".format(hub_id)
return self._get_paginated(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES, headers=headers, params=params)
class DataManagementClient (token_provider: TokenProviderInterface, base_url: str = '')
Forge Data Management data management client.
Create new instance of the client.
token_provider (autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface): Provider that will be used to generate access tokens for API calls.
Use <code><a title="autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.OAuthTokenProvider" href="auth.html#autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.OAuthTokenProvider">OAuthTokenProvider</a></code> if you have your app's client ID and client secret available, <code><a title="autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.SimpleTokenProvider" href="auth.html#autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.SimpleTokenProvider">SimpleTokenProvider</a></code> if you would like to use an existing access token instead, or even your own implementation of the <code><a title="autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface" href="auth.html#autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface">TokenProviderInterface</a></code> interface. Note that many APIs in the Forge Data Management service require a three-legged OAuth token.
, optional- Base URL for API calls.
THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN = os.environ["THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN"] client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN))
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class DataManagementClient(BaseOAuthClient): """ Forge Data Management data management client. **Documentation**: """ def __init__( self, token_provider: TokenProviderInterface, base_url: str=DATA_MANAGEMENT_BASE_URL): """ Create new instance of the client. Args: token_provider (autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface): Provider that will be used to generate access tokens for API calls. Use `autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.OAuthTokenProvider` if you have your app's client ID and client secret available, `autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.SimpleTokenProvider` if you would like to use an existing access token instead, or even your own implementation of the `autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface` interface. Note that many APIs in the Forge Data Management service require a three-legged OAuth token. base_url (str, optional): Base URL for API calls. Examples: ``` THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN = os.environ["THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN"] client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN)) ``` """ BaseOAuthClient.__init__(self, token_provider, base_url) def _get_paginated(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> list: json = self._get(url, **kwargs).json() results = json["data"] while "links" in json and "next" in json["links"]: url = json["links"]["next"]["href"] json = self._get(url, **kwargs).json() results = results + json["data"] return results def get_hubs(self, filter_id: str=None, filter_name: str=None) -> dict: """ Return a collection of accessible hubs for this member. Hubs represent BIM 360 Team hubs, Fusion Team hubs (formerly known as A360 Team hubs), A360 Personal hubs, or BIM 360 Docs accounts. Team hubs include BIM 360 Team hubs and Fusion Team hubs (formerly known as A360 Team hubs). Personal hubs include A360 Personal hubs. Only active hubs are listed. Note that for BIM 360 Docs, a hub ID corresponds to an account ID in the BIM 360 API. To convert an account ID into a hub ID you need to add a “b.” prefix. For example, an account ID of c8b0c73d-3ae9 translates to a hub ID of b.c8b0c73d-3ae9. **Documentation**: Args: filter_id (str, optional): ID to filter the results by. filter_name (str, optional): Name to filter the results by. Returns: dict: Parsed response JSON. Examples: ``` THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN = os.environ["THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN"] client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN)) response = client.get_hubs() print( print(response.links) ``` """ headers = { "Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json" } params = {} if filter_id: params["filter[id]"] = filter_id if filter_name: params["filter[name]"] = filter_name return self._get("/hubs", scopes=READ_SCOPES, headers=headers, params=params).json() def get_all_hubs(self, filter_id: str=None, filter_name: str=None) -> dict: """ Similar to `get_hubs`, but retrieving all hubs without pagination. **Documentation**: Args: filter_id (str, optional): ID to filter the results by. filter_name (str, optional): Name to filter the results by. Returns: list(dict): List of hubs parsed from the response JSON. Examples: ``` THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN = os.environ["THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN"] client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN)) hubs = client.get_all_hubs() print(hubs) ``` """ headers = { "Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json" } params = {} if filter_id: params["filter[id]"] = filter_id if filter_name: params["filter[name]"] = filter_name return self._get_paginated("/hubs", scopes=READ_SCOPES, headers=headers, params=params) def get_projects( self, hub_id: str, filter_id: str=None, page_number: int=None, page_limit=None) -> dict: """ Return a collection of projects for a given hub_id. A project represents a BIM 360 Team project, a Fusion Team project, a BIM 360 Docs project, or an A360 Personal project. Multiple projects can be created within a single hub. Only active projects are listed. Note that for BIM 360 Docs, a hub ID corresponds to an account ID in the BIM 360 API. To convert an account ID into a hub ID you need to add a “b.” prefix. For example, an account ID of c8b0c73d-3ae9 translates to a hub ID of b.c8b0c73d-3ae9. Similarly, for BIM 360 Docs, the project ID in the Data Management API corresponds to the project ID in the BIM 360 API. To convert a project ID in the BIM 360 API into a project ID in the Data Management API you need to add a “b.” prefix. For example, a project ID of c8b0c73d-3ae9 translates to a project ID of b.c8b0c73d-3ae9. **Documentation**: Args: hub_id (str): ID of a hub to list the projects for. filter_id (str, optional): ID to filter projects by. page_number (int, optional): Specifies what page to return. Page numbers are 0-based (the first page is page 0). page_limit (int, optional): Specifies the maximum number of elements to return in the page. The default value is 200. The min value is 1. The max value is 200. Returns: dict: Parsed response JSON. Examples: ``` THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN = os.environ["THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN"] client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN)) response = client.get_projects("some-hub-id") print( print(response.links) ``` """ headers = { "Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json" } params = {} if filter_id: params["filter[id]"] = filter_id if page_number: params["page[number]"] = page_number if page_limit: params["page[limit]"] = page_limit endpoint = "/hubs/{}/projects".format(hub_id) return self._get(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES, headers=headers, params=params).json() def get_all_projects(self, hub_id: str, filter_id: str=None) -> dict: """ Similar to `get_projects`, but retrieving all projects without pagination. **Documentation**: Args: hub_id (str): ID of a hub to list the projects for. Returns: list(dict): List of projects parsed from the response JSON. Examples: ``` THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN = os.environ["THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN"] client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN)) projects = client.get_all_projects("some-hub-id") print(projects) ``` """ headers = { "Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json" } params = {} if filter_id: params["filter[id]"] = filter_id endpoint = "/hubs/{}/projects".format(hub_id) return self._get_paginated(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES, headers=headers, params=params)
def get_all_hubs(self, filter_id: str = None, filter_name: str = None) ‑> dict
Similar to
, but retrieving all hubs without pagination.Documentation:
, optional- ID to filter the results by.
, optional- Name to filter the results by.
list(dict): List of hubs parsed from the response JSON.
THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN = os.environ["THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN"] client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN)) hubs = client.get_all_hubs() print(hubs)
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def get_all_hubs(self, filter_id: str=None, filter_name: str=None) -> dict: """ Similar to `get_hubs`, but retrieving all hubs without pagination. **Documentation**: Args: filter_id (str, optional): ID to filter the results by. filter_name (str, optional): Name to filter the results by. Returns: list(dict): List of hubs parsed from the response JSON. Examples: ``` THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN = os.environ["THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN"] client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN)) hubs = client.get_all_hubs() print(hubs) ``` """ headers = { "Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json" } params = {} if filter_id: params["filter[id]"] = filter_id if filter_name: params["filter[name]"] = filter_name return self._get_paginated("/hubs", scopes=READ_SCOPES, headers=headers, params=params)
def get_all_projects(self, hub_id: str, filter_id: str = None) ‑> dict
Similar to
, but retrieving all projects without pagination.Documentation:
- ID of a hub to list the projects for.
list(dict): List of projects parsed from the response JSON.
THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN = os.environ["THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN"] client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN)) projects = client.get_all_projects("some-hub-id") print(projects)
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def get_all_projects(self, hub_id: str, filter_id: str=None) -> dict: """ Similar to `get_projects`, but retrieving all projects without pagination. **Documentation**: Args: hub_id (str): ID of a hub to list the projects for. Returns: list(dict): List of projects parsed from the response JSON. Examples: ``` THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN = os.environ["THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN"] client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN)) projects = client.get_all_projects("some-hub-id") print(projects) ``` """ headers = { "Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json" } params = {} if filter_id: params["filter[id]"] = filter_id endpoint = "/hubs/{}/projects".format(hub_id) return self._get_paginated(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES, headers=headers, params=params)
def get_hubs(self, filter_id: str = None, filter_name: str = None) ‑> dict
Return a collection of accessible hubs for this member.
Hubs represent BIM 360 Team hubs, Fusion Team hubs (formerly known as A360 Team hubs), A360 Personal hubs, or BIM 360 Docs accounts. Team hubs include BIM 360 Team hubs and Fusion Team hubs (formerly known as A360 Team hubs). Personal hubs include A360 Personal hubs. Only active hubs are listed.
Note that for BIM 360 Docs, a hub ID corresponds to an account ID in the BIM 360 API. To convert an account ID into a hub ID you need to add a “b.” prefix. For example, an account ID of c8b0c73d-3ae9 translates to a hub ID of b.c8b0c73d-3ae9.
, optional- ID to filter the results by.
, optional- Name to filter the results by.
- Parsed response JSON.
THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN = os.environ["THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN"] client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN)) response = client.get_hubs() print( print(response.links)
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def get_hubs(self, filter_id: str=None, filter_name: str=None) -> dict: """ Return a collection of accessible hubs for this member. Hubs represent BIM 360 Team hubs, Fusion Team hubs (formerly known as A360 Team hubs), A360 Personal hubs, or BIM 360 Docs accounts. Team hubs include BIM 360 Team hubs and Fusion Team hubs (formerly known as A360 Team hubs). Personal hubs include A360 Personal hubs. Only active hubs are listed. Note that for BIM 360 Docs, a hub ID corresponds to an account ID in the BIM 360 API. To convert an account ID into a hub ID you need to add a “b.” prefix. For example, an account ID of c8b0c73d-3ae9 translates to a hub ID of b.c8b0c73d-3ae9. **Documentation**: Args: filter_id (str, optional): ID to filter the results by. filter_name (str, optional): Name to filter the results by. Returns: dict: Parsed response JSON. Examples: ``` THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN = os.environ["THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN"] client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN)) response = client.get_hubs() print( print(response.links) ``` """ headers = { "Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json" } params = {} if filter_id: params["filter[id]"] = filter_id if filter_name: params["filter[name]"] = filter_name return self._get("/hubs", scopes=READ_SCOPES, headers=headers, params=params).json()
def get_projects(self, hub_id: str, filter_id: str = None, page_number: int = None, page_limit=None) ‑> dict
Return a collection of projects for a given hub_id. A project represents a BIM 360 Team project, a Fusion Team project, a BIM 360 Docs project, or an A360 Personal project. Multiple projects can be created within a single hub. Only active projects are listed.
Note that for BIM 360 Docs, a hub ID corresponds to an account ID in the BIM 360 API. To convert an account ID into a hub ID you need to add a “b.” prefix. For example, an account ID of c8b0c73d-3ae9 translates to a hub ID of b.c8b0c73d-3ae9.
Similarly, for BIM 360 Docs, the project ID in the Data Management API corresponds to the project ID in the BIM 360 API. To convert a project ID in the BIM 360 API into a project ID in the Data Management API you need to add a “b.” prefix. For example, a project ID of c8b0c73d-3ae9 translates to a project ID of b.c8b0c73d-3ae9.
- ID of a hub to list the projects for.
, optional- ID to filter projects by.
, optional- Specifies what page to return. Page numbers are 0-based (the first page is page 0).
, optional- Specifies the maximum number of elements to return in the page. The default value is 200. The min value is 1. The max value is 200.
- Parsed response JSON.
THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN = os.environ["THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN"] client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN)) response = client.get_projects("some-hub-id") print( print(response.links)
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def get_projects( self, hub_id: str, filter_id: str=None, page_number: int=None, page_limit=None) -> dict: """ Return a collection of projects for a given hub_id. A project represents a BIM 360 Team project, a Fusion Team project, a BIM 360 Docs project, or an A360 Personal project. Multiple projects can be created within a single hub. Only active projects are listed. Note that for BIM 360 Docs, a hub ID corresponds to an account ID in the BIM 360 API. To convert an account ID into a hub ID you need to add a “b.” prefix. For example, an account ID of c8b0c73d-3ae9 translates to a hub ID of b.c8b0c73d-3ae9. Similarly, for BIM 360 Docs, the project ID in the Data Management API corresponds to the project ID in the BIM 360 API. To convert a project ID in the BIM 360 API into a project ID in the Data Management API you need to add a “b.” prefix. For example, a project ID of c8b0c73d-3ae9 translates to a project ID of b.c8b0c73d-3ae9. **Documentation**: Args: hub_id (str): ID of a hub to list the projects for. filter_id (str, optional): ID to filter projects by. page_number (int, optional): Specifies what page to return. Page numbers are 0-based (the first page is page 0). page_limit (int, optional): Specifies the maximum number of elements to return in the page. The default value is 200. The min value is 1. The max value is 200. Returns: dict: Parsed response JSON. Examples: ``` THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN = os.environ["THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN"] client = DataManagementClient(SimpleTokenProvider(THREE_LEGGED_TOKEN)) response = client.get_projects("some-hub-id") print( print(response.links) ``` """ headers = { "Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json" } params = {} if filter_id: params["filter[id]"] = filter_id if page_number: params["page[number]"] = page_number if page_limit: params["page[limit]"] = page_limit endpoint = "/hubs/{}/projects".format(hub_id) return self._get(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES, headers=headers, params=params).json()
class DataRetention (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
Data retention policies.
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class DataRetention(Enum): """ Data retention policies. """ TRANSIENT = "transient" """ Think of this type of storage as a cache. Use it for ephemeral results. For example, you might use this for objects that are part of producing other persistent artifacts, but otherwise are not required to be available later. Objects older than 24 hours are removed automatically. Each upload of an object is considered unique, so, for example, if the same rendering is uploaded multiple times, each of them will have its own retention period of 24 hours. """ TEMPORARY = "temporary" """ This type of storage is suitable for artifacts produced for user-uploaded content where after some period of activity, the user may rarely access the artifacts. When an object has reached 30 days of age, it is deleted. """ PERSISTENT = "persistent" """ Persistent storage is intended for user data. When a file is uploaded, the owner should expect this item to be available for as long as the owner account is active, or until he or she deletes the item. """
- enum.Enum
Class variables
Persistent storage is intended for user data. When a file is uploaded, the owner should expect this item to be available for as long as the owner account is active, or until he or she deletes the item.
This type of storage is suitable for artifacts produced for user-uploaded content where after some period of activity, the user may rarely access the artifacts.
When an object has reached 30 days of age, it is deleted.
Think of this type of storage as a cache. Use it for ephemeral results. For example, you might use this for objects that are part of producing other persistent artifacts, but otherwise are not required to be available later.
Objects older than 24 hours are removed automatically. Each upload of an object is considered unique, so, for example, if the same rendering is uploaded multiple times, each of them will have its own retention period of 24 hours.
class OSSClient (token_provider: <TokenProviderInterface object at 0x7f48e9e0e400>, base_url: str = '')
Forge Data Management object storage client.
Create new instance of the client.
token_provider (autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface): Provider that will be used to generate access tokens for API calls.
Use <code><a title="autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.OAuthTokenProvider" href="auth.html#autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.OAuthTokenProvider">OAuthTokenProvider</a></code> if you have your app's client ID and client secret available, <code><a title="autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.SimpleTokenProvider" href="auth.html#autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.SimpleTokenProvider">SimpleTokenProvider</a></code> if you would like to use an existing access token instead, or even your own implementation of the <code><a title="autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface" href="auth.html#autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface">TokenProviderInterface</a></code> interface.
, optional- Base URL for API calls.
FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] client1 = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) FORGE_ACCESS_TOKEN = os.environ["FORGE_ACCESS_TOKEN"] client2 = OSSClient(SimpleTokenProvider(FORGE_ACCESS_TOKEN)) class MyTokenProvider(autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface): def get_token(self, scopes): return "your own access token retrieved from wherever" client3 = OSSClient(MyTokenProvider())
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class OSSClient(BaseOAuthClient): """ Forge Data Management object storage client. **Documentation**: """ def __init__(self, token_provider: TokenProviderInterface(), base_url: str=OSS_BASE_URL): """ Create new instance of the client. Args: token_provider (autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface): Provider that will be used to generate access tokens for API calls. Use `autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.OAuthTokenProvider` if you have your app's client ID and client secret available, `autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.SimpleTokenProvider` if you would like to use an existing access token instead, or even your own implementation of the `autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface` interface. base_url (str, optional): Base URL for API calls. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] client1 = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) FORGE_ACCESS_TOKEN = os.environ["FORGE_ACCESS_TOKEN"] client2 = OSSClient(SimpleTokenProvider(FORGE_ACCESS_TOKEN)) class MyTokenProvider(autodesk_forge_sdk.auth.TokenProviderInterface): def get_token(self, scopes): return "your own access token retrieved from wherever" client3 = OSSClient(MyTokenProvider()) ``` """ BaseOAuthClient.__init__(self, token_provider, base_url) def _get_paginated(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> list: items = [] while url: json = self._get(url, **kwargs).json() items = items + json["items"] if "next" in json: url = json["next"] else: url = None return items def get_buckets(self, region: str = None, limit: int = None, start_at: str = None) -> dict: """ List buckets owned by the application, using pagination. **Documentation**: Args: region (str, optional): Region where the bucket resides. Acceptable values: US, EMEA. Default: US. limit (int, optional): Limit to the response size. Acceptable values: 1-100. Default = 10. start_at (str, optional): Key to use as an offset to continue pagination. This is typically the last bucket key found in a preceding `get_buckets` response. Returns: dict: Parsed response object with top-level properties `items` and `next`. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) buckets = client.get_buckets(limit=8) print(buckets.items) print( ``` """ params = {} if region: params["region"] = region if limit: params["limit"] = limit if start_at: params["startAt"] = start_at return self._get("/buckets", scopes=READ_SCOPES, params=params).json() def get_all_buckets(self, region: str = None) -> list: """ List all buckets owned by the application. Similar to `OSSClient.get_buckets` but returning all results without pagination. **Documentation**: Args: region (str, optional): Region where the bucket resides. Acceptable values: US, EMEA. Default: US. Returns: list[dict]: List of objects representing individual buckets. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) buckets = client.get_all_buckets() print(buckets) ``` """ params = {} if region: params["region"] = region return self._get_paginated("/buckets", scopes=READ_SCOPES, params=params) def get_bucket_details(self, bucket_key: str) -> dict: """ Get bucket details in JSON format if the caller is the owner of the bucket. A request by any other application will result in a response of 403 Forbidden. **Documentation**: Returns: dict: Parsed response JSON. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) details = client.get_bucket_details(FORGE_BUCKET) print(details) ``` """ endpoint = "/buckets/{}/details".format(quote(bucket_key)) return self._get(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES).json() def create_bucket( self, bucket_key: str, data_retention_policy: DataRetention, region: str ) -> dict: """ Create a bucket. Buckets are arbitrary spaces that are created by applications and are used to store objects for later retrieval. A bucket is owned by the application that creates it. **Documentation**: Args: bucket_key (str): A unique name you assign to a bucket. It must be globally unique across all applications and regions, otherwise the call will fail. Possible values: -_.a-z0-9 (between 3-128 characters in length). Note that you cannot change a bucket key. data_retention_policy (DataRetention): Data retention policy. region (str): The region where the bucket resides. Acceptable values: US, EMEA. Returns: dict: Parsed response JSON. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) details = client.create_bucket(FORGE_BUCKET, DataRetention.TEMPORARY, "US") print(details) ``` """ json = { "bucketKey": bucket_key, "policyKey": data_retention_policy.value } headers = { "x-ads-region": region } return self._post("/buckets", scopes=WRITE_SCOPES, json=json, headers=headers).json() def delete_bucket(self, bucket_key: str): """ Delete a bucket. The bucket must be owned by the application. **Documentation**: Args: bucket_key (str): Name of the bucket to be deleted. """ endpoint = "/buckets/{}".format(quote(bucket_key)) self._delete(endpoint, scopes=DELETE_SCOPES) def get_objects(self, bucket_key: str, **kwargs) -> dict: """ List objects in bucket, using pagination. It is only available to the bucket creator. **Documentation**: Args: bucket_key (str): Bucket key for which to get details. limit (int, optional): Number of objects to return in the result set. Acceptable values = 1 - 100. Default = 10. begins_with (str, optional): String to filter the result set by. The result set is restricted to items whose objectKey begins with the provided string. start_at (str, optional): Position to start listing the result set. Returns: dict: Parsed response object with top-level properties `items` and `next`. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) objects = client.get_objects(FORGE_BUCKET, limit=8) print(objects.items) print( ``` """ params = {} if "limit" in kwargs: params["limit"] = kwargs["limit"] if "begins_with" in kwargs: params["beginsWith"] = kwargs["begins_with"] if "start_at" in kwargs: params["startAt"] = kwargs["start_at"] endpoint = "/buckets/{}/objects".format(quote(bucket_key)) return self._get(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES, params=params).json() def get_all_objects(self, bucket_key: str, begins_with: str = None) -> list: """ List all objects in bucket. Similar to `OSSClient.get_objects` but returning all results without pagination. Args: begins_with (str, optional): String to filter the result set by. The result set is restricted to items whose objectKey begins with the provided string. Returns: list[dict]: List of objects. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) objects = client.get_all_objects(FORGE_BUCKET, begins_with="prefix") print(objects) ``` """ params = {} if begins_with: params["beginsWith"] = begins_with endpoint = "/buckets/{}/objects".format(quote(bucket_key)) return self._get_paginated(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES, params=params) def get_object_details(self, bucket_key: str, object_key: str) -> dict: """ Get object details in JSON format. **Documentation**: Args: bucket_key (str): Bucket key. object_key (str): Object name to get details for. Returns: dict: Parsed response JSON with object properties. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) details = client.get_object_details(FORGE_BUCKET, "design.dwg") print(details) ``` """ endpoint = "/buckets/{}/objects/{}".format(quote(bucket_key), quote(object_key)) return self._get(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES).json() def upload_object(self, bucket_key: str, object_key: str, buff) -> list: """ Upload an object. If the specified object name already exists in the bucket, the uploaded content will overwrite the existing content for the bucket name/object name combination. **Documentation**: Args: bucket_key (str): Bucket key. object_key (str): Name of the object to be created. buff (list of bytes or file): Content to upload. Returns: dict: Parsed response JSON with object properties. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) buff = bytes("This is a test...", "utf-8") obj1 = client.upload_object(FORGE_BUCKET, "myfile.txt", buff) print(obj1) with open("local.dwg", "rb") as file: obj2 = client.upload_object(FORGE_BUCKET, "mydesign.dwg", file) print(obj2) ``` """ endpoint = "/buckets/{}/objects/{}".format(quote(bucket_key), quote(object_key)) return self._put(endpoint, buff=buff, scopes=WRITE_SCOPES).json() def delete_object(self, bucket_key: str, object_key: str): """ Delete an object from bucket. **Documentation**: Args: bucket_key (str): Bucket key. object_key (str): Name of the object to be removed. """ endpoint = "/buckets/{}/objects/{}".format(quote(bucket_key), quote(object_key)) self._delete(endpoint, scopes=DELETE_SCOPES)
def create_bucket(self, bucket_key: str, data_retention_policy: DataRetention, region: str) ‑> dict
Create a bucket. Buckets are arbitrary spaces that are created by applications and are used to store objects for later retrieval. A bucket is owned by the application that creates it.
- A unique name you assign to a bucket. It must be globally unique across all applications and regions, otherwise the call will fail. Possible values: -_.a-z0-9 (between 3-128 characters in length). Note that you cannot change a bucket key.
- Data retention policy.
- The region where the bucket resides. Acceptable values: US, EMEA.
- Parsed response JSON.
FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) details = client.create_bucket(FORGE_BUCKET, DataRetention.TEMPORARY, "US") print(details)
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def create_bucket( self, bucket_key: str, data_retention_policy: DataRetention, region: str ) -> dict: """ Create a bucket. Buckets are arbitrary spaces that are created by applications and are used to store objects for later retrieval. A bucket is owned by the application that creates it. **Documentation**: Args: bucket_key (str): A unique name you assign to a bucket. It must be globally unique across all applications and regions, otherwise the call will fail. Possible values: -_.a-z0-9 (between 3-128 characters in length). Note that you cannot change a bucket key. data_retention_policy (DataRetention): Data retention policy. region (str): The region where the bucket resides. Acceptable values: US, EMEA. Returns: dict: Parsed response JSON. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) details = client.create_bucket(FORGE_BUCKET, DataRetention.TEMPORARY, "US") print(details) ``` """ json = { "bucketKey": bucket_key, "policyKey": data_retention_policy.value } headers = { "x-ads-region": region } return self._post("/buckets", scopes=WRITE_SCOPES, json=json, headers=headers).json()
def delete_bucket(self, bucket_key: str)
Delete a bucket. The bucket must be owned by the application.
- Name of the bucket to be deleted.
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def delete_bucket(self, bucket_key: str): """ Delete a bucket. The bucket must be owned by the application. **Documentation**: Args: bucket_key (str): Name of the bucket to be deleted. """ endpoint = "/buckets/{}".format(quote(bucket_key)) self._delete(endpoint, scopes=DELETE_SCOPES)
def delete_object(self, bucket_key: str, object_key: str)
Delete an object from bucket.
- Bucket key.
- Name of the object to be removed.
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def delete_object(self, bucket_key: str, object_key: str): """ Delete an object from bucket. **Documentation**: Args: bucket_key (str): Bucket key. object_key (str): Name of the object to be removed. """ endpoint = "/buckets/{}/objects/{}".format(quote(bucket_key), quote(object_key)) self._delete(endpoint, scopes=DELETE_SCOPES)
def get_all_buckets(self, region: str = None) ‑> list
List all buckets owned by the application. Similar to
but returning all results without pagination.Documentation:
, optional- Region where the bucket resides. Acceptable values: US, EMEA. Default: US.
- List of objects representing individual buckets.
FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) buckets = client.get_all_buckets() print(buckets)
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def get_all_buckets(self, region: str = None) -> list: """ List all buckets owned by the application. Similar to `OSSClient.get_buckets` but returning all results without pagination. **Documentation**: Args: region (str, optional): Region where the bucket resides. Acceptable values: US, EMEA. Default: US. Returns: list[dict]: List of objects representing individual buckets. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) buckets = client.get_all_buckets() print(buckets) ``` """ params = {} if region: params["region"] = region return self._get_paginated("/buckets", scopes=READ_SCOPES, params=params)
def get_all_objects(self, bucket_key: str, begins_with: str = None) ‑> list
List all objects in bucket. Similar to
but returning all results without pagination.Args
, optional- String to filter the result set by. The result set is restricted to items whose objectKey begins with the provided string.
- List of objects.
FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) objects = client.get_all_objects(FORGE_BUCKET, begins_with="prefix") print(objects)
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def get_all_objects(self, bucket_key: str, begins_with: str = None) -> list: """ List all objects in bucket. Similar to `OSSClient.get_objects` but returning all results without pagination. Args: begins_with (str, optional): String to filter the result set by. The result set is restricted to items whose objectKey begins with the provided string. Returns: list[dict]: List of objects. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) objects = client.get_all_objects(FORGE_BUCKET, begins_with="prefix") print(objects) ``` """ params = {} if begins_with: params["beginsWith"] = begins_with endpoint = "/buckets/{}/objects".format(quote(bucket_key)) return self._get_paginated(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES, params=params)
def get_bucket_details(self, bucket_key: str) ‑> dict
Get bucket details in JSON format if the caller is the owner of the bucket. A request by any other application will result in a response of 403 Forbidden.
- Parsed response JSON.
FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) details = client.get_bucket_details(FORGE_BUCKET) print(details)
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def get_bucket_details(self, bucket_key: str) -> dict: """ Get bucket details in JSON format if the caller is the owner of the bucket. A request by any other application will result in a response of 403 Forbidden. **Documentation**: Returns: dict: Parsed response JSON. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) details = client.get_bucket_details(FORGE_BUCKET) print(details) ``` """ endpoint = "/buckets/{}/details".format(quote(bucket_key)) return self._get(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES).json()
def get_buckets(self, region: str = None, limit: int = None, start_at: str = None) ‑> dict
List buckets owned by the application, using pagination.
, optional- Region where the bucket resides. Acceptable values: US, EMEA. Default: US.
, optional- Limit to the response size. Acceptable values: 1-100. Default = 10.
, optional- Key to use as an offset to continue pagination.
This is typically the last bucket key found in a preceding
- Parsed response object with top-level properties
FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) buckets = client.get_buckets(limit=8) print(buckets.items) print(
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def get_buckets(self, region: str = None, limit: int = None, start_at: str = None) -> dict: """ List buckets owned by the application, using pagination. **Documentation**: Args: region (str, optional): Region where the bucket resides. Acceptable values: US, EMEA. Default: US. limit (int, optional): Limit to the response size. Acceptable values: 1-100. Default = 10. start_at (str, optional): Key to use as an offset to continue pagination. This is typically the last bucket key found in a preceding `get_buckets` response. Returns: dict: Parsed response object with top-level properties `items` and `next`. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) buckets = client.get_buckets(limit=8) print(buckets.items) print( ``` """ params = {} if region: params["region"] = region if limit: params["limit"] = limit if start_at: params["startAt"] = start_at return self._get("/buckets", scopes=READ_SCOPES, params=params).json()
def get_object_details(self, bucket_key: str, object_key: str) ‑> dict
Get object details in JSON format.
- Bucket key.
- Object name to get details for.
- Parsed response JSON with object properties.
FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) details = client.get_object_details(FORGE_BUCKET, "design.dwg") print(details)
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def get_object_details(self, bucket_key: str, object_key: str) -> dict: """ Get object details in JSON format. **Documentation**: Args: bucket_key (str): Bucket key. object_key (str): Object name to get details for. Returns: dict: Parsed response JSON with object properties. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) details = client.get_object_details(FORGE_BUCKET, "design.dwg") print(details) ``` """ endpoint = "/buckets/{}/objects/{}".format(quote(bucket_key), quote(object_key)) return self._get(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES).json()
def get_objects(self, bucket_key: str, **kwargs) ‑> dict
List objects in bucket, using pagination. It is only available to the bucket creator.
- Bucket key for which to get details.
, optional- Number of objects to return in the result set. Acceptable values = 1 - 100. Default = 10.
, optional- String to filter the result set by. The result set is restricted to items whose objectKey begins with the provided string.
, optional- Position to start listing the result set.
- Parsed response object with top-level properties
FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) objects = client.get_objects(FORGE_BUCKET, limit=8) print(objects.items) print(
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def get_objects(self, bucket_key: str, **kwargs) -> dict: """ List objects in bucket, using pagination. It is only available to the bucket creator. **Documentation**: Args: bucket_key (str): Bucket key for which to get details. limit (int, optional): Number of objects to return in the result set. Acceptable values = 1 - 100. Default = 10. begins_with (str, optional): String to filter the result set by. The result set is restricted to items whose objectKey begins with the provided string. start_at (str, optional): Position to start listing the result set. Returns: dict: Parsed response object with top-level properties `items` and `next`. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) objects = client.get_objects(FORGE_BUCKET, limit=8) print(objects.items) print( ``` """ params = {} if "limit" in kwargs: params["limit"] = kwargs["limit"] if "begins_with" in kwargs: params["beginsWith"] = kwargs["begins_with"] if "start_at" in kwargs: params["startAt"] = kwargs["start_at"] endpoint = "/buckets/{}/objects".format(quote(bucket_key)) return self._get(endpoint, scopes=READ_SCOPES, params=params).json()
def upload_object(self, bucket_key: str, object_key: str, buff) ‑> list
Upload an object. If the specified object name already exists in the bucket, the uploaded content will overwrite the existing content for the bucket name/object name combination.
- Bucket key.
- Name of the object to be created.
- Content to upload.
- Parsed response JSON with object properties.
FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) buff = bytes("This is a test...", "utf-8") obj1 = client.upload_object(FORGE_BUCKET, "myfile.txt", buff) print(obj1) with open("local.dwg", "rb") as file: obj2 = client.upload_object(FORGE_BUCKET, "mydesign.dwg", file) print(obj2)
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def upload_object(self, bucket_key: str, object_key: str, buff) -> list: """ Upload an object. If the specified object name already exists in the bucket, the uploaded content will overwrite the existing content for the bucket name/object name combination. **Documentation**: Args: bucket_key (str): Bucket key. object_key (str): Name of the object to be created. buff (list of bytes or file): Content to upload. Returns: dict: Parsed response JSON with object properties. Examples: ``` FORGE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_ID"] FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"] FORGE_BUCKET = os.environ["FORGE_BUCKET"] client = OSSClient(OAuthTokenProvider(FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET)) buff = bytes("This is a test...", "utf-8") obj1 = client.upload_object(FORGE_BUCKET, "myfile.txt", buff) print(obj1) with open("local.dwg", "rb") as file: obj2 = client.upload_object(FORGE_BUCKET, "mydesign.dwg", file) print(obj2) ``` """ endpoint = "/buckets/{}/objects/{}".format(quote(bucket_key), quote(object_key)) return self._put(endpoint, buff=buff, scopes=WRITE_SCOPES).json()